Thursday, September 27, 2007

Cheater, I am

I feel like I've been cheating.

Looking at my blog's past history, I knew that I have been writing entries that are (ohh, I just can't find the right adjective - might as well throw some words that would best describe them to you) "thought-provoking", "academic", "informative", "emotion-evoking" and/or "inspiring". But now, all I do is dump some bizarre story to your faces. I felt like I'm cheating because this way I don't have to write those "conventional" entries. I could avoid and escape.

One more thing that has been bothering is that I have a feeling that you are not enjoying the story. Well, maybe I should stop the project. I don't want to write something that people won't read at all. I think I'll stop. If I can't see any protests from you readers, I'll take it as a signal. If you want to protest against me stopping the Planescape: Torment project, please leave comments in this entry.

Maybe I am a cheater.


At 3:00 AM , Blogger maddie said...

no you're not.

At 10:19 PM , Blogger Nalajas said...

well,if u know who i am ;)

At 4:02 PM , Blogger DotA King said...

Sambung we sambung. walaupun aku x suka premis Planescape... aku lagi suka kalau ko bole tulis ttg Forgotten Realms, jangan lupa masukkan watak Sir Firdaus Lv6 Fighter LV7 Weapon Master LV6 Barbarian specialized in Longsword. Pastu jgn lupa masukkan kisah aku membunuh naga sampai aku dapat title the Dragon Slayer. Jangan lupa masukkan city of Neverwinter walaupun ko x pernah main NWN.

At 7:17 PM , Blogger harisNoor said...

issyyyy nih yg aku x leh x letak komen gak nihh... ape laa character bosan gle... fighter? barbarian??? tolong arr... kalo ranger mageslayer tu bole laa aku terima... ehh lagi satu aku main NWN ok... NWN 2 jer aku x main sbb kecewa dgn NWN!!! wahahahaha....

At 2:34 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

jangan!!!!!! tidakkkkkkkKKK!!!


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