Visual meditation - my style!
Sometimes when I feel like calming myself down, I would just close my eyes and transport myself to another place. It is always the same place, same atmosphere. Like leaving my body behind in the chair, and bringing my mind and soul to this place of tranquility.
I always find myself standing in a relaxed posture on top of a low, grassy hill. Beside me is a single grand tree emanating a motherly aura. My left palm lay gently flat against the trunk of the powerful tree, feeling the ancient woody texture pressing lightly against my soft palm, while the tree's melancholic branches and throngs of leaves sway gently in the rejuvenating breeze. I close my eyes every now and then, appreciating the beautiful sound of branches brushing against branches, leaves against leaves - nature's music.
As the tree and I share and exchange feelings and aura through the connection of my hand, I swiped my eyes ahead across the whole plains, carpeted with green vibrant grass that dances with the wind, as if in celebration. The plains is never flat and level - it is essentially low hills and shallow valleys that contour smoothly. The sky is easy to the eyes, neither too bright nor too dark, like the shy sky after the rain. The clouds scattered across form a filter, so I can see rays of light piercing through the clouds at an angle and silently landing on the plains below. Like a curtain.
Again I close my eyes and open them slowly, this time looking down at a beautiful curving valley with gentle eyes. So perfect the valley is that I feel like rolling down its slope. In the valley spreads a herd of heavenly white sheep grazing the green carpet peacefully, chewing on slowly in rejoice. From where I stand, the herd appears like a fluffy cloud, with slight graceful movement and tilt. I can see one of the sheep lifted its head from smelling the grass and turned to observe me for seconds before returning to its feast.
As another breeze pass as a wave, I take a deep breath and feel myself smiling in pleasure of my senses - sight, hearing, smell, touch - being satisfied by this great nature. With the breath, I can almost smell the sweet fragrance of the grass wafting, only being heightened by the invisible breeze. With this refreshing breath, I can feel every inch of my body gaining a new strength, as the wind carries my sorrow and toil away. Far, far away, never to be seen again.
This is a modified extract from one of my journals that I submitted to my yoga tutor, Stephen Penman. What you have just read is the mental visualization that I do for my visual meditation for stress release, almost always accompanied by this particular music.
This music is so powerful. Just by reading the music title and listening to the score intently with my eyes closed, the visualization came to life. Yes, I created this detailed visualization just by listening to this music. How powerful is that music? You want to listen to this music? Of course you do.
Well, you have been listening to it quite a few times if have been visiting my blog previously. It's the one in the right column, under 'Atmospherer'. The title is "Shepard's Flute", composed by Bill Brown for the MMORPG (if you don't know what this is, Google it) Lineage II. Please listen at your own liberty.
I just want to share this with you - this great experience and feeling. This serves as a reminder to me as well because I've been unfaithful to this routine visual meditation. Years ago, I would frequently meditate upon this music, but now I don't seem to "have the time anymore". (Note to self: Yeah, we all "don't have time" to do many things. Instead of waiting for the "right" time, MAKE TIME for it!!!)
Anyway, just read the extract again if you wish and listen to the music. Read it SLOWLY to digest and imprint in your mind. Who knows, maybe you can use it for stress release too.
Another small variation to this visualization is that instead of just standing on the hill, I imagine myself playing the flute in the music.
My yoga tutor said, in his own words (this is a BIG reminder for you, Haris!!!):
"Haris, that is probably one of the most beautiful things I have ever read and it would be great if you could keep that going (or modify the image you used to use with the music to one that you can use anytime without the music?). What I'm trying to say is... you have a gift. Don't lose it through lack of practice."
(Understand that, Haris?)
Oh yeah, if you actually do this visual mediation, please give me some feedback. I'd love to hear it for improvement etc!
Asal x baca quran atau semayang sunat je ? kan senang ?
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adakah islam itu hanya terhad kepada membaca al-quran atau solat sunat sahaja untuk menguraikan kekusatan minda? apakah cara-cara lain itu tidak boleh?
tepat sekali sangkaan saya. memang benar pun ada yang akan memberi komen (tipikal?) seperti ini.
luaskan pemikiran. bukan hanya ibadah-ibadah khusus sahaja yang boleh mententeramkan jiwa. ibadah-ibadah umum juga mampu menghasilkan kesan yang sama. bagaimana meditasi boleh menjadi ibadah umum? saya sudah dapat jawapannya. saya biarkan anda fikirkan sendiri.
tambahan pula, komen sebegini juga menunjukkan bahawa anda seolah-olah mengangka saya tidak melakukan perkara-perkara tersebut, lalu beralih kepada "cara-cara" tidak disebut dalam al-quran mahupun hadith, seperti MEDITASI. apakah seorang muslim itu tidak boleh mencuba "cara-cara lain" di samping "cara-cara yang di dalam al-quran dan hadith". tidak terfikirkah anda bahawa penulis mencuba lebih daripada SATU cara sahaja?
asalkan berkesan dan tidak bercanggah apa salahnya? islam itu bukannya jumud.
gler panjang nye explanation di atas lawak jenaka yang aku sampaikan hanya di atas pemikiran yang x sampai 2 minit ... thanx :-D
*poke Haris with a stick*
tutup mata??..been transported to a new world??
i've done that all the time, u wanna know what it is called??
it is called..
-Badrul kasmiran
Encik Badrul, saya setuju dengan anda.
Tido is the best remedy.
Kalau susah nak tido tu maknanya ada something wrong la tu ... pejam-pejam mata tak lelap2 ... konfem sebab hati tak tenang ni :-P
Jap aku ada lagi tambahan nak bakar ni ...
Selalu orang meditasi ni sebab nak tenangkan fikiran.
Sebab apa nak tenangkan fikiran ??
Sebab fikiran tak tenang.
Sebab apa fikiran tak tenang ??
Sebab hutang nasi lemak tak bayar lagi ROFLMAO .....
baik ko mengadu kat Asrih cakap Abanglong suka kacau ko mwahahahaha
i'm with you on that haris. one does not have to exclude one to practice the other.
if it helps, i say why not? -M
Wahh..dah lame tak menjejak ke sini.
Uik.. biar betul?? Tak sangka plak Yoga ade efek besar sampai camtu skali eh?
Ade cara yoga mudah tak? Yang kene 4,5 minit je.. nak jgak try ni.. hehehe..
Salam pertemuan.. dah lame tak masuk sini ek? hehe..
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